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Introduction to Python - Free Trial

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About This Course

Discover the power of Python programming with our Free Trial of 'Python Complete: From First Line to First Job.' This trial gives you exclusive access to the first two chapters, where you'll embark on the exciting journey of learning Python. In these initial chapters, we introduce you to the basics of Python, starting with setting up Python on your computer, setting up an environment, and diving into the world of Variables and Data Types. You'll get a taste of how Python’s simplicity makes it an ideal language for beginners and how its versatility makes it a top choice for professionals. This trial is perfect for those curious about coding and Python but not yet ready to commit to the full course. You'll gain valuable insights into the language and our teaching approach, helping you make an informed decision about your coding journey. So, why wait? Sign up for our free trial today and start writing your first lines of Python code! * By enrolling in this course, you consent to receive email reminders and updates related to your course progress and related materials.

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