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Python Vs JavaScript: 5 easy hacks to choose whats right for you

It's hard to pick a programming language when you're starting out. There's over 500 programming languages in the market today. So choosing the one for you might be daunting. But we're here to help you choose the the language that will actually get you a job or where you want to go. In this post, we'll talk about the 2 most popular programming languages out there. Python & Javascript (JS). I'm not going to talk to you about the history of these languages, we're here to talk about Python vs Javascript - which one gets you paid.

⁠Job Demand

A developer at work

When you choose a programming language think about what kind of job you want. You can find amazing career opportunities with both languages.

Which one provides more opportunities?

Lets break it down.

Many industries use Python, including:

  • Manufacturing and engineering

  • Data science & analytics

  • Media & entertainment

  • Retail & E-commerce

  • Finance and trading

  • Education

Javascript on the other hand, has a specific goal. WEB DEVELOPMENT.

All those pretty websites you see out there with the animations?

All of them were built using JS.

The ugly ones?

Not JS.

The AI race

So Python has more uses but JS is more specific. But the question is which one uses AI? We have 1 answer and that is Python.

Hack: if you want to be a web developer go for JS. If you want to be anything else, Python is the way to go.

Syntax: What's easier to read?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. It's Python. Lets talk about why.

Python resembles English. You don't have to work hard to understand. I'll even go as far as saying that someone that doesn't know code will understand a simple program.

Defining variables

While JS requires you to define a variable and how you will use by using keywords such as let, var, and const. Python allows you to simply define variable by assigning them values.

defining variables in Python vs Javascript

Looping Python Vs JS

To loop through a list in JS you need create a variable that represent a number, and that number is what you use to go through the list. Get it? neither did I. I would need to explain indexes and lists before I can teach you how to loop.

In python, you need to write:

Looping through a list in Python vs JavaScript

Chaining Conditionals


To combine 2 conditions in an if statement you would need to use && or || between each condition. Ew.


To combine 2 conditions in an if statement you simply need to write and or or between each condition.

Hack: If you want to look cool while getting confused JS is the way to go. Otherwise make your life simple and stick to Python. Not that I'm trying to sell you a course or anything...  


Web Development

Built in JS for JS. Look you can use Python to develop websites, but you will still need to use JS. That's because web development encompasses HTML, CSS, and JS.

The roles each one of them plays in a website:

  • HTML - The building blocks of the website.

  • CSS - Makes it pretty.

  • JS - Connects data and animates the website.

Front End

Web developers use JS for everything regarding front end dev.

For example:

  • Animation - JS allows us to animate elements of our website

  • API calls - JS is used to fetching data from the server

  • Interactivity - JS connects logic to our website's elements

JS also has some of the most popular frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue JS.

Python has a few less popular front end frameworks such as Anvil, JustPy, and Pynecone, which I'm sure you haven't heard about. I didn't know about either of them before writing this blog post and researching it...

Back End

Honestly, Python gives JS a run for its money here. Python is more versatile. It provides more tools for data analysis and management than JS does, and it provides a more versatile toolbox.

Node.js (JS for the back end), however makes it easier to access objects in both front and back end since we're using the same language.

That's the only reason I'd suggest you use JS for back-end development.

Hack: If you want to develop websites, start off with JS.


Versatility of Python

A programming language is only as good as the amount of applications it provides. In this case Python is king.

A Swiss Army Knife

As we've mentioned before, Python is adopted across a wide range of industries. This is due to the ability to use Python for an endless amount of applications such as:

  • AI models

  • Data analysis

  • Music streaming

  • Video streaming

  • Image analysis

  • Computer graphics & visual effects

  • Autonomous cars

And the list goes on and on.

Hack: If you want to not be restricted by a programming language, learn Python.


Python vs Js interest over the past 5 years in Google Trends

Over the past 5 years Python has surged as the most popular programming language. it's easy to learn and widely adopted. The data speaks for itself.

Hack: Just learn Python already. Unless you want to be a web developer. Then its time to consider the two.

Still not sure? Give Python a go with my free trial.

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